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Category: Property Division

How will your pension figure into your divorce settlement?

There is a fundamental connection between all divorce-related matters, including matrimonial property, spousal support, child support and child custody. An oversight or lack of strategy in one of these areas could affect all of the others, so it is crucial that parties going through a divorce have legal counsel early…

Property division concerns for Ontario common-law spouses

In Ontario, the Family Law Act provides rules for how property will be divided between legally married spouses who are going through divorce. However, the Family Law Act does not apply if you and the party from whom you’re splitting were in a common-law relationship. There is also no absolute…

Understanding Ontario property division rules at divorce

Ontario couples who are seeking a divorce may be interested in information about how property is divided at the end of a marriage. While marital property is split evenly, other property may be subject to a statutory payment formula. The property division process that happens when a married couple divorces…

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